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Our people strategy

We care about our employees and consider them as ‘company citizens’

KBC creates a stimulating work environment where employees get the opportunity to develop skills and abilities by learning, to express their ideas and to take responsibility. That makes KBC a great place to work.

Self-development is one of the key factors in KBC’s mobility and employability philosophy. KBC provides a large variety of classical training courses, e-learnings, on-the-job coaching, and other development opportunities.

Company citizenship is based on 4 principles, endorsed by our employees and fully supported by the organisation:

  • We offer a wide range of interesting and challenging jobs and provide opportunities to change positions within the organisation in order to move along with stakeholders needs.
  • We offer effective solutions for growth, allowing each employee to develop continuously in function of the needs of our group.
  • Our people, and certainly our leaders, behave according to the principles embedded in our company culture so that everyone in our company shows, at all times, cooperation and respect.
  • We reward those who show proactivity and drive, continuously encouraging each employee to contribute to the realisation of our strategy.

Click here to read testimonials of our staff members.

Watch here how we encourage our people to become true company citizens

Work planning - 01'16

Inspiring leadership

Our leaders create motivating and empowering environments that allow our people to perform together and grow.

  • Our leaders give direction, constantly balancing short-term imperatives and long-term perspectives
  • Our leaders are people managers as well as performance managers
  • Our leaders enable and encourage cooperation
  • Our leaders walk the talk. They themselves are passionately committed to where we are going

In order to acquire and correctly execute the required leadership skills, we at KBC offer intensive leadership development programmes at starter, basic and advanced levels. In these programmes, leaders work with their peers from other departments on areas such as ‘lead yourself’, ‘lead your business’ and ‘lead your people’.


Honest reward

The rewards we provide are in line with current society demands, reflecting real differences, and supporting new organisational needs.

Reward is adapted to the realities of current life

  • We reward mobility and agility
  • Our reward philosophy reflects the specific evolution of longer career paths
  • We focus on current rather than on past performance

Reward reflects real differences

  • We translate differences in performance in significant differences in reward
  • We give gratitude for performance that goes above and beyond normal expectations

We enhance reward maturity

  • We align individual and team rewards to combine individual accountability and teamwork
  • We focus on non financial rewards, such as recognition


Cooperative organisation

We help people perform by reducing organisationally-induced waste, obstacles, complexity, incoherence and conflicts.

We streamline and improve our organisation

  • Governance and roles are clear, with minimum ambiguity
  • Objectives are aligned throughout the organisation
  • We value both manager and expert roles
  • Our organisational structure is kept as flat and simple as possible, facilitating empowerment
  • We encourage cooperation in iterative, empowered and collaborative projects

We enable partnerships

We pursue organisational quality in the broad sense, enabling better cooperation throughout the group and with key external partners.

We put in place proactive casting

We have the processes in place to ensure a fit between organisation and casting, proactively planning succession.

Watch here how we transform our organisation so that it becomes everyday more and more cooperative

Cooperative Organisation - 01'08

Safe and healthy working environment

At KBC, we take the well-being of our employees very seriously and strive for a positive working environment where our employees feel good, recognized, resilient and involved. After all healthy employees working in a safe environment feel at ease with themselves and are strong enough to use their own creativity in pursuit of client-focused solutions. In Belgium the prevention service received in 2019 the the ISO 45001 certification from Vinçotte, which means it has set up a formal health and safety management system. In the Czech Republic, regular health and safety training is provided and the Occupational Health & Safety program is reviewed annually.