c warning
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For any Cyber security incident or threat targeting or involving KBC Group, please contact KBC Group CERT.


Contact details:

  • Email address: cert@kbc.com
  • PGP public key for encrypted communication:
                  ID: 0xBDC5EBF7
                  Fingerprint: 75FF 9C70 F60D 7803 0EBF  77BA 8765 7274 BDC5 EBF7
  • Urgent cases phone: +32 (0)2 429 34 14
  • Postal address:     KBC Group NV  -  IRX / CERT
                                  Havenlaan 2
                                  1080 Brussels


Mission Statement

In our RFC2350, we provide more information about the KBC Group CERT.
A PGP signed version of our RFC2350 is available as well.


Local contacts

     Belgium:               www.kbc.be/secure4u
     Ireland:                 www.kbc.ie/security
     Czech Republic:   www.csob.cz/portal/contacts/csob-group-csirt

Last update: 20-10-2020