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Title Date Download
KBC Group acquires United Bulgarian Bank and Interlease, becoming the largest bank-insurance group in Bulgaria PDF
Results of the capital increase of KBC Group NV for the employees and effects on the transparency obligations PDF
Changes within the Board of Directors of KBC PDF
KBC discloses new ECB capital requirements PDF
Changes to KBC Start2Save and KBC Start2Save4 accounts PDF
Virus and security scans courtesy of KBC PhoneCheck PDF
KBC report on the EBA Transparency Exercise 2016 PDF
‘Urgent: help wanted’ KBC and ONS respond with the Happy@Home ecosystem PDF
KBC Group: Strong third-quarter profit of 629 million euros. PDF
KBC continues preparing for the future, focusing on its clients and staff PDF
Digital signing capability proving popular with KBC clients PDF
KBC starts up dating site for businesses PDF
KBC responds to entirely inaccurate presentation of facts in Workers' Party of Belgium (PvdA) study PDF
KBC K’Ching – a new-generation mobile banking app for young people PDF
KBC revamps groupwide sustainability framework. PDF
KBC compliments its product range for young drivers PDF
Reaction on non-regulated savings accounts for legal entities PDF
KBC Group: Strong first-half profit of 1.1 billion euros. Interim dividend of 1 euro to be paid in November. PDF
KBC Group introduces interim dividend. Current pay-out ratio policy maintained PDF
KBC remains adequately capitalised under 2016 EU-wide EBA stress test. PDF
KBC and K&H win Euromoney Award for 'Best Bank’ in Belgium and Hungary, respectively PDF
KBC and Cegeka trial ground-breaking blockchain application for SMEs PDF
New KBC Securities CEO PDF
KBC and ING working together on an integrated payment and loyalty solution in Belgium PDF
Jan Van Hove confirmed as KBC's new Chief Economist PDF
KBC 1Q2016: Strong start to 2016 reflected in profit of 392 million euros, despite high upfront bank taxes PDF
KBC responds to De Tijd news article PDF
KBC Mobility goes for sustainable, quality mobility solutions in Belgium PDF
Together, KBC and KBC Ancora write 80 years of stock market history PDF
KBC commente les résultats du Scan des banques. PDF
KBC embraces the digital future PDF
KBC Group explains remuneration of CEO and Executive Committee following publication of 2015 annual report PDF
KBC resumes normal operations tomorrow PDF
KBC takes measures following heightened terror threat PDF
Edwin De Boeck, Chief Economist at KBC to take up new challenge PDF
KBC provides transparency regarding tax rulings PDF
KBC appeals in the 5-5-5 case PDF
KBC returns profit of 2.6 billion euros for the full year, profit of 862 million euros posted for last quarter of 2015. PDF
KBC reacts to decision taken by the Brussels Court of First Instance in dispute with Investor Protection PDF
KBC prepares for future in new CLAs with social partners PDF
KBC reacts on article “KBC krijgt groen licht voor rechtszaak tegen Facebook” (De Tijd) PDF
KBC’s comfortable capital position reflected in strong Solvency II ratio PDF