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Information regarding the Extraordinary General Meeting of 04 October 2018

Minutes (in Dutch; English summary **)                     Download
Information 04 September 2018
Agenda/convening notice Download
Draft resolutions and comments of the Board of Directors with regard to items on the agenda Download

Report of the Board of Directors with a view to granting authorization to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital

Proxy forms for shareholders and bondholders



Number of shares/voting rights* on 4 September 2018

415 897 567
Additional information on the right of shareholders to add new items to the agenda and to table draft resolutions on items included or to be included on the agenda, and additional information on the right of shareholders to ask questions Download

* The voting rights attached to the  treasury shares held by the subsidiaries of KBC Group NV are suspended. (57 473 on 4 September 2018).
** Summary in  English: The Extraordinary General Meeting of 4 October 2018 has granted an authorisation to the Board of Directors which enables the Board to increase the share capital of KBC Group NV if it deems it appropriate.  Under this authorisation, the Board of directors can increase the share capital in one or more steps up to a maximum amount of 700.000.000 euros, under the restriction that the preferential subscription rights of the current shareholders can only be suspended or restricted up to a maximum amount of 291 000 000 euros. The Articles of Association have been amended accordingly. The authorisation is granted for a period of five years, starting from the date of publication of the amendment to the Articles of Association

Last update: 11-10-2018