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Our financial performance

Our financial performance (KBC Group, consolidated)

Balance sheet and assets under management,
end of period (in millions of EUR)
2022 2023
Total assets 354 545 346 921
Loans and advances to customers 178 053 183 613
Securities (equity and debt instruments) 67 160 73 696
Deposits from customers and debt securities 252 746 259 491
Insurance contract liabilities and liabilities under investment contracts
28 184 30 245
Total equity 21 819 24 260
Risk-weighted assets, group (fully loaded, Basel III) 109 981 113 038
Income statement (in millions of EUR) 2022 2023
Total income 10 035 11 224
Operating expenses -4 805 -5 125
Impairment -282 -215
Result after tax, group share 2 818 3 402
    Belgium 1 876 1 866
    Czech Republic 653 763
    International markets 428 676
    Group Centre -139 97
Basic earnings per share (in EUR) 6.64 8.04
KBC share 2022 2023
Number of shares outstanding, end of period (’000) 417 169 417 306
Parent shareholders’ equity per share, end of period (in EUR) 48.7 53.9
Average share price for the financial year (in EUR) 58.9 61.6
Share price at year-end (in EUR) 60.1 58.7
Equity market capitalisation, end of period (in billions of EUR) 25.1 24.5
Ratios 2022 2023
Return on equity 13% 16%
Cost/income ratio, excl. bank and insurance tax 45% 43%
Combined ratio, non-life insurance 87% 87%
Credit cost ratio, banking 0.08% 0.00%
Common equity ratio, group (Basel III, fully loaded, definition see annual report) 15.3% 15.2%
Net stable funding ratio (NSFR) 136% 136%
Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) 152% 159%


Bloomberg: KBC BB
Datastream: B:KB
Reuters: KBC.BR

Last update: 12-02-2024