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Health, Safety & Environment

Safety Requirements for KBC Locations

KBC attaches great importance to health & safety. When a supplier works at a KBC location, KBC requires that they pay the necessary attention to the health & safety requirements

Suppliers who have been contracted to perform work at a KBC location are expected to do the following

  • Read the Safety Requirements for KBC Locations thoroughly, and follow them conscientiously when performing the work;
  • Cross the boxes in the table on page 1 of this document (possible risks) truthfully;
  • If you have crossed one or more risks, provide your KBC contact with the risk assessment;
  • When performing work that entails an increased risk of fire, follow the instructions and recommendations given in the document 'Increased risk of fire';
  • If, when performing work at KBC, you should come into contact with a fire suppression system which uses the extinguishing agent argonite, please observe the special precautionary measures. Please also watch the short information film accessible below.
  • Make sure who works at a KBC location signs the document 'Ten Rules for Working at KBC Locations' (annex to the Safety Requirements for KBC Locations).
  • E-mail a list of the names of the employees who have signed the 'Ten Rules ...' document to your KBC contact.
  • Every KBC employee shall refrain from any form of violence, harassment and sexual intimidation at work. Any third party who believes he or she has been the victim of such behaviour by KBC employees may also invoke the internal KBC procedures provided for this purpose. You can also contact KBC’s medical services via the mailbox: medische.dienst@kbc.be.

Further details on your obligations concerning safety can be found in the Safety Requirements for KBC Locations The Safety Requirements for KBC Locations are available in Dutch, French, German and English.

The 'Ten Rules for Working at KBC Locations' are an annex to the Safety Requirements, and are accordingly available in the same languages: Dutch, French, German and English.

In addition, the 'Ten Rules ...' are available in Polish, Turkish and Romanian. This is because work is sometimes carried out by employees whose mother tongue is one of these languages. As a supplier, you have a responsibility to provide staff you deploy to a KBC location with appropriate training and instructions.I

If you will be deploying staff who are not sufficiently fluent in any of the languages in which the 'Ten Rules...’ are provided, and therefore unable to use them, as a supplier you are responsible for providing additional translations and instructions where necessary. You are also responsible for providing proper management.

To summarise: you need to provide KBC with the following:

  • Safety Requirements for KBC Locations: page 1 completely filled in (including all yes/no boxes) and signed, and the remaining pages (initialled/signed)
  • List of names of the employees who will be working at a KBC location
  • If you have crossed a risk (and, if applicable, the corresponding measure is required by KBC): provide the risk assessment in line with the template


Specific areas requiring attention. Short information film for when carrying out work involving possible contact with fire suppression systems: (Dutch only)
