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Chief Economist - Uncertainty weighs on resilient global economy

Uncertainty weighs on resilient global economy

The macroeconomic performance of the global economy remains structurally strong despite the volatility on financial markets. Global economic growth is weakening, with the exception of the strong US business cycle, but economic expansion continues. Nevertheless, the risks have increased in number and nature. Some potential risk factors are particularly disruptive. They include a further escalation of the trade war, a hard brexit and the growing global debt mountain. The current tensions between the Italian government and the European Commission indicate that the European construction is incomplete and that the search for a common European vision is a major challenge. The further normalisation of monetary policy heralds a new economic era in which the protection and stimulus of central banks is gradually disappearing. At the same time, the global economy faces major structural challenges: embracing the technological revolution and translating it into productivity growth, tackling the demographic transition, further reforming and modernising labour markets and searching for new growth recipes.

In these uncertain times, the international team of economists with the KBC Group wants to assist you with new insights. This new website shows you our economic vision on the current economic situation in a clear way. Enjoy reading!