Matthieu Vanhove

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Matthieu Vanhove

Matthieu Vanhove


  • Born in 1954, in Bruges, Belgium
  • Graduated as M.Sc. in Bioscience Engineering from the KU Leuven, where he also gained a Master's Degree in Business Administration and a postgraduate diploma in insurance.
  • He started his career in 1979 as an assistant at KU Leuven (in the Faculty of Business and Economics). He worked as an adviser and auditor for cooperative companies in the food sector from 1982 until 1989, before joining CERA Bank, where he worked between 1989 and 1998, first in the Credit Department  and then as Head of Asset/Liability Management. He has also been a lecturer in auditing at KULeuven. Mr. Vanhove is a former director of Cera, of BRS Microfinance Coop and of Metalogic and former chairman of the National Cooperative Council. He is currently a consultant, trainer and coach on banking and finance, risk management, microfinance and cooperative entrepreneurship.
  • In the BoD of KBC Group: Non-executive director; Representative of core shareholders